Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Goal

Build a fire in someone else.
I grew up as a rather apathetic and selfish girl. I didn't care about anything more than what was happening to me in the now. Then two things happened:
1- Perry. Somehow my incredible husband found me, thought I was worth his time, and opened my eyes to an entire world that I either didn't realize was there or hadn't previously cared existed, I'm not sure which.
2- I became a mother. I want to create the best possible place for my children to grow up in. Right now this place [Country] is falling apart faster than my kids are growing up.
Now that I want to make a difference it is virtually impossible because my young family needs all my attention. So all I can do is teach my children truth, spread truth, and encourage others to do the same. I want to share my thoughts, share others good thoughts, and be someone else's “Perry” or new born baby looking up at them. I want to build a fire in someone else. I know that I'm not much more than little ember but I have to do something.

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