Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I’m sure you’ve heard about the “gender neutral” family.  Basically a family who refuses to reveal the “gender” of their child because they want to allow it to choose for itself
The reason I put gender into parenthesis is because I want it to stand out to you.  Let me give you a little history about the word gender.  The term gender was coined by a man, a creep of man, named John Money, if you want the full disturbing summary of his life work go to Wikipedia.  But in short he believed in pedophilia, but only as long as it affectionate pedophilia….What the heck is that?  And he was ok with incest.  Need I say more???  He didn’t believe that sex roles (or what her termed gender) were connected to physiological sex but rather that they were learned.  I’m sorry, but sex, Y chromosome or X chromosome, it was decided by daddy’s sperm.  It’s a natural thing, the way of nature, the universe, or God, whatever you believe in, it was decided.  These selfish, stupid parents are buying into a concept created to deteriorate society and I feel sorry for their children.  This child is either a boy or a girl, who do they think they are to take that away from him or her. 

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