Monday, June 27, 2011

This news video is reporting that some states are moving to ban abortions after 20 weeks.  I applaud the fact that some states are taking any steps to ban abortion in any faction. 
However, pre 20 weeks, before the fetus is viability, or before the fetus feels pain, etc. are all stupid excuses for a barbaric society that actually entertains the idea of legalizing and allowing women to murder their own children.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh Al

You’ve done it again. Gone and made a fool out of yourself.  In a recent interview Al Gore addressed ‘Fertility Management.’  He actually called on women to have fewer children in order to curb pollution. Even claiming that it would empower them. 

Read More:

You can just read the article to get the gist of what he said, but watching the video is even funnier.
The amount of children a couple has, has absolutely nothing to do with pollution.  In fact a couple with ten kids could recycle just as committedly as a couple with two kids, they could drive hybrid cars, and install solar panels on their roof.  Trying to equate fewer children to eco friendly living is an absolute joke.  It doesn’t even make sense.  Like how Gore pushes the green agenda but drinks bottled water and has huge electric bills (as mentioned in the article), it just doesn’t make sense.
But by far my favorite part of the article is the comment section.  Someone commented, “Any woman who listens to Al Gore really should not have children.”  Awesome comment and I totally agree!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I’m sure you’ve heard about the “gender neutral” family.  Basically a family who refuses to reveal the “gender” of their child because they want to allow it to choose for itself
The reason I put gender into parenthesis is because I want it to stand out to you.  Let me give you a little history about the word gender.  The term gender was coined by a man, a creep of man, named John Money, if you want the full disturbing summary of his life work go to Wikipedia.  But in short he believed in pedophilia, but only as long as it affectionate pedophilia….What the heck is that?  And he was ok with incest.  Need I say more???  He didn’t believe that sex roles (or what her termed gender) were connected to physiological sex but rather that they were learned.  I’m sorry, but sex, Y chromosome or X chromosome, it was decided by daddy’s sperm.  It’s a natural thing, the way of nature, the universe, or God, whatever you believe in, it was decided.  These selfish, stupid parents are buying into a concept created to deteriorate society and I feel sorry for their children.  This child is either a boy or a girl, who do they think they are to take that away from him or her. 


Whenever I hear or read about a bully story I get super worked up.  Bullying is not acceptable. Ever.  And the crazy thing is I could probably list thousands of links to bullying stories.  Not to mention all of the bullying that goes that the news never gets a drift of.  So when a friend of mine posted this experience on facebook my blood boiled….
“Who knew that kids could be so mean so young?! Took Taj to the park today and when he ran over to the water fountain to get a drink there was a little group of boys there probably ages 4-6 filling up their water bottles and when they saw Taj, one of them pinned him against the brick wall and started punching him and another one thought he would join in on the fun and cornered Taj in the bathroom and dumped his entire water bottle out over Taj's head and down his back. Taj is a 2 year old, what kind of kids do that to 2 year olds?! We need to teach our kids to NOT be bullies when they are young!” 
A 2 year old…. Really?  And it doesn’t even have to be a 2 year old to be terrible.  Who does that?  Where are parents?  Who is teaching kids manners, respect, and kindness??
My kids will never bully and if they ever do there will be serious consequences.  They won’t learn violent behavior from me, so if they do where will it be from? TV?  I am very careful what I let stream into my home, I don’t let my kids watch junk on TV.  My kids try things, they are toddlers and sometimes they hit and bite.  When they do they get in trouble.  Even better I try to prevent it from happening in the first place or happening again.  I try and teach them to love each other and think before they act. 
This is mostly a rant, I am not trying preach about how to be a good parent, because heaven knows I have a lot of work there.  I just don’t understand how society got to this point.  Where are the parents of these bullies?  Or are they there and if so why are they allowing this kind of behavior?
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation.  Or it’s something like that.  We as mothers have so much influence on how our children turn out, and a society is only as good as the people within it.  Lets take care to teach our kids, not let them run rampant and keep our wonderful country from turning into a violent ravaging place.