Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Needs vs. Wants

"Forcefully rejecting Republican budget cutting plans, President Barack Obama on Wednesday proposed lowering the nation's future deficits by $4 trillion over a dozen years with a package that includes reducing spending on politically sensitive health care programs and raising taxes on high-earning Americans."

When will people realize that raising taxes is not the way to reduce the nation's debt? First of all the rich old farts that have all the money employ MILLIONS of regular people like us! If they have to pay more taxes, then obviously they won't have as much money to pay their middle class employees. Or perhaps they won't loan their money or invest in other businesses as much. Something to think about.

It's time we cut spending in areas we don't really NEED. If American families expect this of the government then they must do the same. Figure out your own budget. If more people in our society decide to be responisble with their own money, it will have a profound effect on our government spending, economy, and happiness.

In order to continue helping the poor, sick, and needy in our country as well as in other countries we need to work on our spending and cut way down on things that don't matter. Seriously.

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